Here we go
Reproduction means process on how to make new “human”(that’s only in my opinion guys. You can make your own definition bout reproduction which you already knew)
I’ll mention you the reproduction organs.

This’s male reproduction organs. There’re have testis, a couple of gland that produces sperm and testosterone. Testosterone is a hormone that is stimulating ejaculation (if I'm not mistaken... CMIW). And ejaculation is done by penis. it spray semen that is consist of hundred thousands of sperms. But before the sperms reach penis, they have to pass the epididimis and tubulus somniferous. Male reproduction organs make spermatozoa.

(Aigoo. .it’s so embarrassing to see my own reproduction system)
This’s female reproduction organs. There’re Ovaries, a couple of glands that produces and eggs (ovum), progesterone and estrogen. Those hormones in collaborate with Follicle Stimulating Hormone and Luteinizing Hormone will activate the cycle of menstruation. Menstruation it is a cycle when women get blood from their vagina. Alright, too vulgar, I guess. But sorry, I don't have any suitable words. Beside produce those hormones, Ovaries also produces eggs in a cycle like menstruation called ovulation. Before reach the vagina, the eggs pass the oviduct, uterus and then cervix.
Finally, the main problem. Tadada. . How to make new baby!
Fertilization happens when the sperm reach ovum in the tuba fallopi. it's makes zygote that "crack" by mitosis process. In the morulla there's hole named blastocoels that contain liquid that make blastosit. (so sorry cause I cant find word that I want to use TT). The outer layer or blastosit called trofoblas. it's function's to absorb food and "candidate" of placenta that contain embryo. In the 4-5 days-after the ovulation- blastosit reach the uterus and the progesterone hormone stimulate it to produce food for embryo. Six days after the ovulation, trofoblas "stick" in the uterus wall and release korionik gonadotropin hormone use to protect the pregnancy. Embryo becomes stronger after 12 days. After several months, the baby organs start can be seen cause it’s already form an organism.
OMO(It’s Korean language for OMG) it’s hard to find the biological word and it’s very hard to make it more simple.
I hope that’ll help you to more understand bout the reproduction system (which I doubt that). Aigoo. .it’s tiring since I have to do the other task. Art. .art. .art. Have to submit it before the test. So, goodbye an have a nice day ^^. Hwaiting(Korean language for fighting)
1 komentar:
Score:B+ Nice jobs !
-well-explained, good pictures
-always mention the source
Mr T
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