Once upon a time there was an unhappy girls who lived with her father, stepmother, and two stepsisters. She was made to work hard by day and slept on the cold floor near the fire by night and that is how she came to be known as Cinderella. One day an invitation arrived inviting everyone to a grand ball held in honour of the prince. Everyone leaving Cinderella behind, sad and alone.
Disuatu ketika ada gadis yang tidak bahagia dia tinggal bersama ayah, ibu tiri, dan dua orang saudara perempuan tiri. Dia dibuat bekerja siang hari dan tidur di lantai yang dingin di dekat perapian di malam hari dan itulah bagaimana dia dikenal sebagai Cinderella. Suatu hari sebuah undangan datang mengundang siapapun untuk pesta dansa yang agung untuk menghormati pangeran. Setiap orang meninggalkan Cinderella yang sedih dan sendirian.

Suddenly a fairy appeared. She dressed Cinderella in beautiful gown, changed a pumpkin into a coach, and mice into horses. So off went Cinderella to the palace. As soon as the prince saw her, he asked her to dance and would dance with no other all night.

However, at midnight, Cinderella ran from the prince but she lost one of her shoes. The prince searched for the owner of the shoe. Finally he found Cinderella and they lived happily ever after.
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