Hi there. .its has been a long time since I visit this blog. Ahahaha
. .as you know, I only use it when I have a task that I have to do
. Since Mr. T gave me a brand new task or the first task for this semester, I have to open this blog.
Anyway, this task talks about kind of disaster. I personally choose earthquake coz this kind of disaster often happens to our lovely country
Gess, I've done! Stop talking! Okay, I'll tell you more about earthquake
. So, scroll it down and enjoy ^^
Earthquake means shake that happens in the Earth surface (don't worry I've checked it on Wikipedia). As you know guess, the Earth's crust always move and move. And its move cause and earthquake. OMO...
Simple, right. There's a lot of earthquake. Don't worry, Ill mention its. So comfort your sit and follow me!
Kind of earthquake:
- Volcanic Earthquake; This kind of earthquake caused by volcanic eruptions. As you know, we lived near volcano. So we can easily feel it (but it doesn't men I really want it to true! I can't imagine what kind of chaos caused by it!)
- Tectonic Earthquake; This kind of earthquake caused by tectonic activity (the same as the name). You know, this kind of earthquake can cause great damage coz it can spread around the world. Just don't imagine it and DON'T EVER HOPE FOR IT! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! Do you still remember earthquake that happened in Yogya? Yeah, that's tectonic earthquake.
- Impact Earthquake; This kind of earthquake cased by meteor impact or asteroid. So, it's rarely happen in the Earth. Maybe this reason why dinosaurs disappear.
- Detritus Earthquake (I'm not sure about its name
); its usually happen in the lime area. It's rarely happens and its local.
- Synthetic earthquake (I'm not sure about its name (again)); its human cause. It's our fault! Hahaha just kidding
. Actually not all of us. Just little people, generally a scientist or military. For example nuclear experiment or bomb.
Since I tell you about kind of earthquake, I'll tell on how to survive from earthquake. Prepare your note and get ready!
Most of us will choose to hide under a desk. DON'T EVER DO IT! ONCE AGAIN DON'T EVER DO IT! So, how to take over from it? This method called live triangle (not sure again T_T, so sorry for this inconvenient)
Of course you can understand it easily from the picture. No? Okay, I'll tell you. It's simple but work. The only thing that we have to do just hide under the detritus that fall over furniture or another things that make space beside. Bingo, we can hide in this space. The less shattered it, the more we can safe in this kind of situation. That way 100% proved can make us survive from earthquake and 100% WORK! Horay
, so we don't have to worry about it anymore. Nice
Coz I'm a kind heart girl ,I'll tell you another tips (not good to praise our self. Don't try this at home):
1. Don't hide under easy broken thing . It just makes you easily die, and you don't want it to happen, right?
2. Bend over beside a big thing that left a space (live triangle position).
3. Wood constructed building is the safest place. Why? Coz this kind of building is flexible and moves the same as earthquake movements. Although it ruined, it just caused minor damage.
4. Roll beside a bed. Don't know how to do the right roll? Ask Fibra, she's an expert. Trust me! If we hide under the bed, it left a space that makes us survive (remember live triangle).
5. Trapped? Don't know the exit. Don't worry we have the best solution for you. Just die! kya. . . . Hahaha, just kidding. Bend over a chair or strong thing (live triangle).
6. Don't hide behind a door . It'll fall over you and you'll easily torn apart.
7. Don't ever run through a stairs . Just don't ever do it!
8. Stand near the outer wall. The far our distant to the outer wall, the less our live possibility.
9. Avoid bridge and high building. It'll fall over your body. A lot of people will safe their live by driving to the other place. But when they reach a bridge, they'll die by it ruin. It's better if we stand near our car and bend over it. Car in general left 1 meter space. Exception for the car that struck down by a bridge directly.
10. Hide over a paper stack. Paper won't be solidified.
Huah. .I thinks that's enough. It's 7.15 p.m. I have to study since I'm a twelve grade student . I hope I can pass UN and UM easily
. Hope for me guess. I order you
Hahaha. . Just kidding. Okay guess, it's time for me to study while listening to music. Live never this good
. Mr. T, I'll wait your comment patiently. Okay, it's time to leave. Bye. .
Credits : Wikipedia,
PS : Here's the video about earthquake